Dr. Marion Somers
The Chinese New Year also known as the Lunar New Year is celebrated by over 2 billion people internationally by various Asian countries with differing traditions and customs. The Lunar New Year begins on February 1, 2022 and ends mid-February. This is the year of the Tiger.
The Chinese Zodiac consists of 12 animals. They are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. Each year the repeating Zodiac cycle with the animals that have specific characteristics changes expectations for the New Year. This is a popular Chinese Astrology with strong traditions, rituals and myths. The various Zodiac signs have personality traits specifically designated by the year you were born. These Chinese Zodiac signs also have lucky/unlucky characteristics as well as lucky/unlucky numbers, colors, flowers and directions. These Chinese horoscopes are followed by those who believe in the horoscope methodology as well as the lunar rhythms of the celestial body. The main similarities between the Chinese Zodiac and western astrology is that both systems are based on time periods of birth and both have 12 symbols or signs that are associated with personalities.
This Spring Festival is a time of change and new beginnings. It is a time for removing the old and welcoming the new. Forgetting the trials and tribulations and misfortunes of the past. And welcome with open arms good luck and abundance. It is a time for new clothes because it is considered they will protect you from evil thoughts and spirits. In the early time this was a time of harvest and in ancient history people scrimped and saved and did not always have sufficient food, but with the spring harvest agrarian culture looked forward to abundance of food and plenty. Within this wealth of history there are myths, legends and fairy tales that correspond with many of the things we do today. Such as why do people put on red decorations and light fire crackers plus provide special foods including the malt candy.
Considering what the world has endured during this time of Covid-19 and the various losses many have experienced ,I wish to take up the concept of this being a New Year, a new beginning and embrace all the good that is surrounding all of us. Starting each day with expressions of appreciation and gratitude as we wear some item of red as a reminder of good and plenty for all.